Rewarding and thanking actives


At MiB, we want our actives to be the happiest in the world. To promote happiness, we reward and thank our actives for their work both at the local level and at the association level.

Thank and Praise an Active -campaigns

We collect positive feedback from our actives every year through a thank and praise an active -campaign, which gives our volunteers a chance to give positive feedback to each other and receive encouragement from peers. The praises and compliments are used each year to select our Super Actives and to reward actives.

Each year, we select actives nominated through the Thank and Praise campaign as Super Actives. Super Actives are selected on the basis of the feedback received, and the fact that the active has not been named as a Super Active in the previous years.

The selection of Super Actives is made by a MiB employee and it is published annually at an actives' seminar or celebration.