Welcome to MiB’s multilingual community!
Mothers in Business is a network of talented women from different backgrounds and professional fields. We share a passion for developing skills, advancing our careers and combining work with family life.
Currently, we have over 4000 members and hundreds of volunteers throughout Finland. Majority of the moms are Finnish-speaking, but our English community keeps growing especially in Uusimaa and Pirkanmaa regions!
At MiB, moms from diverse backgrounds support each other to find their own path in job search, skills development and work-life balance.
What is MiB International?
The MiB International project (2021 - 2024) was a STEA funded project launched in 2020 that aimed to develop MiB activities for the needs of international mothers living in Finland. We also engaged in societal advocacy towards a more inclusive and equal Finnish working life.
Originally, the English activities were successfully piloted through the effort of active volunteers, and a three-year project funding (Sept 2021 to Aug 2024) was secured from the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA).
Peer-to-peer activities organized by our volunteers were the cornerstone of MiB International project. MiB provides a platform for peer support, opportunities for professional competence development and networking between international and Finnish career-oriented moms.
Our activities in the International project included for example:
DEI (diversity, equity & inclusion) events with various topics.
Virtual webinars and mingles, casual networking events to discuss motherhood and career possibilities together with our Finnish MiB mothers.
Stroller walks to network and take care of your well-being at the same time.
International Language Café to polish language skills in good company.
Company visits to learn about interesting employers, career requirements and working cultures.
Even after the project, our volunteers will keep organizing English activities in our local chapters. See a list of all our events in English here and the full event calendar here (events in all languages).
From our blog you can find writings about different aspects of motherhood and working life, generated by the International project and our community.
You can find more info on our advocacy work on the left-side menu!
"MiB’s international project created and allowed a participation space for English speakers with an inclusive approach hard to find in Finland.
-Silvia Padrón Revilla"
Please join Mothers in Business English group on Facebook and follow MiB Ry -page on Facebook - all the future events will be announced here!
Join the MiB community as an active!
If you’re interested in boosting your skills and adding value to your CV - read more about our volunteering opportunities. By organising MiB activities you will help us make the MiB community more inclusive for all moms.
Questions about MiBs’ English activities? Contact: info(at)mib.fi