Mothers in Business
Mothers in Business is a network for mothers who want to choose both family and career. We are advocating for a more family-friendly and equal working life. We offer our members know-how, networks and peer support.
Currently, we have over 4000 members and hundreds of volunteers throughout Finland.
At MiB moms from diverse backgrounds support each other to find their own path in job search, skills development and work-life balance.
Read more about our actives’ integration process until the end of MiB International project in August 2024.
Work and family belong together
Balancing work and family life can be hard. Yet, work and family are complementary areas in life and their combination an everyday occurence for the most of us. Starting a family, peak years or living in family life should not slow down, hinder or prevent anyone's career development.
We actively influence society and working life to promote the status of mothers and family-friendliness and to eliminate discriminatory and unequal structures.
How to network with other moms?
Mothers in Business is a network of talented women from different backgrounds and professional fields. We share a passion for developing skills, advancing our careers and combining work with family life.
At MiB, you can become a part of a nationwide network of career-minded mothers where members share experiences of reconciling work and family, discuss different topics related to motherhood and career. You will also learn more about how MiB is operating.
For example, join the discussion groups on Facebook or join our networking events!
Find new connections
If you are looking to network nationwide you can post on Facebook group MiB Jäsenet valtakunnallinen (MiB members nationwide). Come, discuss and exchange ideas with other career mothers, for example regarding topics like maternity, working life and the reconciliation of family and work. From the wall you can also find greetings and pictures from MiB events from all over the Finland. This group is only for MiB members, Join the group here
Join a more informal discussion
Join the discussion on family life and share your support on topics that are not so much related to work life in Facebook group “MiB Vapaalla” and find an answer to any question you can think of. Literally! This group is only for MiB members. Join the group here
Looking for international moms specifically?
The English Facebook group of Mothers in Business is closed group for specifically for English content, however you can post on any of our channels in English as most of the members are be able to reply also in English. Join the group here
Join us also on:
MiB in LinkedIn
@mib_ry on Instagram
MiB Ry -page
@MiB_ry on Twitter
MiB blog
MiB blog
Join MiB’s multilingual community!
Follow @mothersinbusiness on Instagram
If you’re interested in getting involved in organising MiB activities, read more about the volunteering opportunities we offer!
Network in MiB Mingles
A picture from a MiB Mingle for moms on parental leave, Oodi, Helsinki
Mingle is a free-form networking and peer-to-peer meeting concept designed to increase members’ low-threshold interaction and networking locally as well as nationwide. Any member can host a Mingle. Mingles can be, for example, themed meetings, lunches and meetings without a specific speaker and organised venue.
Find more information on our upcoming mingles in our Event calendar and Facebook groups MiB Jäsenet valtakunnallinen (MiB members nationwide) and English group for Mothers in Business Finland.
Are you looking to organise a MiB Mingle? Great, any MiB member can do that!
You can join Mothers in Business Finland -Facebook group or find your local MiB branch Facebook page from underneath. If you are looking to network nationwide you can post on MiB Jäsenet valtakunnallinen (MiB members nationwide).
Suggest a Mingle topic by posting your idea on the Facebook group wall - and find others interested in the idea.
Agree on a date for Mingle, then create a Facebook event for it.
You can also instantly create a new event for Facebook group and invite people to join.
The Facebook event should indicate the place and time of the meeting and the possible theme. Note: mingles can also be organized virtually.
The group's photo albums contain Mingle photos that can be used for the invitation
Then just enjoy the mingle and make new connections!
Remember that you have a whole community to ask help for organizing a mingle. Find local members by posting your idea on our social media channels (English group for Mothers in Business). Scroll the page for examples of already held and upcoming mingles. Many MiB moms have used the MiB Mingle concept as a way to connect with others MiB moms from the same industry or the same area, and new friendships have been found. So let’s get mingling!