Compared to other European countries, Finland has a rather short history of immigration. The number of people with an international background has been growing slowly but steadily. People move to Finland for various reasons – fox example for love, work, humanitarian reasons or studies. For instance, there are about 20 000 international degree students in higher education institutions in Finland, and every year about 3 000 of them graduate. According to the recent international Eurostudent VII student survey, about half of the international degree students in Finland would like to stay in the country after graduation. This is a huge number of international talents who wish to stay, build their career and life in Finland.
International talents represent a great potential for the growth and internationalisation of the business sector. They can contribute with an outside perspective thanks to their background, language skills, networks and knowledge of other cultures and markets. However, immigrants face unemployment more often than their Finnish peers – women immigrants even more. Lack of networks and sufficient Finnish or Swedish language skills makes it challenging for them to find a job.
MiB contributing in the social impact
We all know what MiB is and what it stands for, right? MiB is run by voluntary career oriented moms, who are eager to develop work life–family balance and more inclusive and equal work life. What about MiB International? MiB International is a project which has been running during 2020. It focuses on similar issues with an international twist in order to create something new for all (international) MiB moms. It aims to tackle the challenges international moms are facing in Finland – lack of networks and language skills – and that way ease their integration into Finnish society and working life, and on the other way round make worklife even more inclusive and equal. How great is that!
On a concrete level, MiB International offers ”mom supporting mom” kind of actions. For example, preparing moms for their dream job in workshops, developing language skills in language cafés and Bravely in Finnish Conversation Clubs, organising company visits or just networking with other moms in mingles and stroller walks. The first activities were launched in September 2020 in Helsinki, and have since spread to a few other cities. For instance, stroller walks are organised also in Tampere and Oulu.
Networks and languages for all
Why am I writing this blog? I am convinced of the effectiveness of MiB International. I am a Finn, who has gained international experience during studies and at work. I love my work as an international recruiting specialist, scope for attracting and retaining international talents. I also love MiB. MiB has had a very special role in my life during the years growing into motherhood and balancing between work and family. I have been honored to network with awesome moms and develop MiB activities in local and national levels. Combining my two roles, as well as understanding the challenges international moms face and knowing the possibilities MiB can offer to career oriented moms – I am excited!
The best way to prove this assumption true is to contact the target group. I was delighted to have a short chat with two wonderful moms, active members of MiB. Let’s see what kind of experiences they have!
Livia Hakala is an international mom living in Espoo, originally from Brazil. She works as a designer, and is currently on a maternity leave. She got to know MiB already a few years ago, and was amazed of the peer-to-peer support potential between career oriented moms. However, she ended up following from the background because of a slight language barrier. The launch of MiB International was a spark for her, and she got involved immediately, and has since been involved in developing the project and its content.
Livia with her baby
”MiB combines moms from all fields, and now even from different cultures – what a potential lays in this network! There is a possibility to expand the power of network in so many ways. We all can learn from each other!” says Livia.
Livia encourages international moms who share MiB values to join the events and conversations.
”I have lived in Finland for several years already, but thanks to MiB International a totally new world has opened up to me! It is easy to join the events. And even if you are interested to take a bigger role in organising or planning, MiB offers a possibility for you to be active. Even the Facebook group is an easy discussion forum for day-to-day conversations and networking!”, she states.
Maria Kangasmäki is from Russia and moved to Finland almost four years ago due to family reasons – to build a family with her husband. A lot has happened since that, as she has obtained her Master’s degree and become a mom. At the moment, she is on a process of learning Finnish language and looking for an opportunity to continue her career in Finland. Maria emphasizes the importance of expanding networks with locals, outside family and comfort zone.
Maria in the Finlayson area in Tampere
”Moms understand each other and no one looks bad at you in the events, if you have your baby with you and your baby is crying – of course not, because other moms have their kids in the events too! Actually, this is very much accepted, even encouraged. This is unique!” says Maria.
Maria was introduced to MiB by a Finn. She became member even though she was not able to understand the content. She put effort and participated with the help of Google Translator (she is such a brave mom!). MiB International has expanded her networks and she has even improved her Finnish language skills.
”The atmosphere is encouraging. Contacts can be valuable in some stage of your life in what it comes to your career, but also leisure time.” she concludes.
Inclusive and equal MiB
After chatting with Livia and Maria, my excitement that I had for MiB International was rational. Even though we come from different professions, countries and cultures, we do share similar interests – balance between career and family. First of all, MiB International creates a platform for international moms and helps them to integrate into Finnish society, but it also offers Finnish moms a possibility to enlarge their networks, learn new languages and new cultures. I love the idea of not building walls between Finnish moms and international moms, but building an inclusive and equal MiB – kind of a simulation and ideal model of the work life. This kind of social impact by a third sector is genious!
As a matter of fact, when finalizing this blog, the latest MiB Board decision was announced: MiB is becoming more international! From 2021 onwards MiB is officially expanding the community and network to international mothers. The project was such a success, so the MiB International becomes part of MiB’s core functions.
This blog was written by Anna Korsbäck, who is a mother of two boys, active member of MiB and a public servant, who feels passion for internationalisation, and inclusive and equal work place.
Pictures: home albums of Livia, Maria and Anna, cover picture from Pixabay
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