Active letter

This is a regular letter compiled by the office staff - including updates and useful information specifically for all our volunteers (such as training events, recreational activities etc). The aim of the actives’ letter is also to thank actives’ for their work at MiB!

The letter is sent by email to everyone on the actives' register. If you’re not getting the letter, please check your spam folder and archived messages folders.

If you have any questions or things to add to this letter, contact: soile.pylsy(at)


In addition to active letter, we also offer a regular MiB newsletter. The MiB newsletter is published in English four times a year. It is sent to all MiB members and to those who have signed up for the letter, by email. The English newsletter is also openly published here.

Besides current news, blog posts, recordings of past events and other content of interest can be advertised in the newsletter.


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